
Thursday, April 29, 2010

BCEC Japa, Kirtan and Bhajan Program at Iskcon Pretoria

Last weekend 65 devotees participated in a Japa, kirtan and bhajan program hosted by Bhaktivedanta College of Education and Culture at Iskcon Pretoria. The program was held over three days. On the third day participants chanted japa from 1.30am. Part of the objectives for choosing to conduct such a program at the local Iskcon centre was to create an awareness of the reason Srila Prabhupada created so many centres around the world. Indeed Srila Prabhupada institued a full morning program to provide spiritual strength for his followers. Many participants in the above program felt inspired to continue to attend the morning programs on an on going basis.

Some comments from participants were as follows:
Leanne Pillay: "The program addressed my doubts and bad habits before I could voice them and helped me deepen my relationship with the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna through His holy names."
Radhanam Dasi: "This program was an eye opener. I wish I had learnt all of this knowledge right in the beginning of my Krishna consciousness, but better late than never."
Ngobile Simelane: "The program made me aware how not to miss the real point of this human life and to cherish this gift that Srila Prabhupada so mercifully benedicted us with."
Estelle Crowngold: "The association of devotees provides so much spiritual strength especially to perform spiritual austerities."
Mercy Pakela: "This program is a must for every person. I take with me such a welth of knowledge for self improvement."
Sundarananda dasa: "I realized that I could have made a lot of spiritual progress in the years gone by had I known this very important knowledge. I look forward to a brilliant future."

As co facilitator with my husband HG Nrsimhananda Prabhu I felt completely inspired to see the process that Srila Prabhupada so compassionately gave us work wonderful miracles in the lives of so many.

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